Factors Architects Should Consider While Building A Home

Architects have a unique profession and everyone seeks to find a difference in the work. Their work would produce lasting monuments or buildings that would last longer even after the person retires from the profession. If you are looking for the best architects in India, take a look at the link below:- https://radvi.com/in/real-estate-services/best-luxury-villas-houses-homes-architects-in-india/
Every design should fulfil various requirements in both form and function that might feel restrictive when thought of immediately. However, an architect can make sure that each project would be a treasured one in their portfolio. They have to consider various factors that are as follows.
- Physical Requirements:- The building materials should be functional for the building. They should check if the materials would be strong enough to support people and machinery needs, flexible to withstand wind, weather and harsh conditions if flooring materials would be too heavy for the support structure or too porous and subject to absorbing or spreading harmful contaminants. Above all, the building and design should be safe.
- User Experience:- All industries look to provide the perfect user experience to the customers. They should think about how the traffic would flow and what hinders or helps in making purchasing decisions, would shoppers know where to go, how users would navigate to understand the data if the layout would seem friendly or clumsy. A building material might technically be performed as required but how the user would feel about the environment. The architects would also have to check if the materials opted would feel formal or trendy, would it be imposing, cold or inviting and luxurious and whether it has acoustic properties or which would make it tough to hold a private conversation or to keep working so that the place becomes distracting and uncomfortable.
All such factors should be considered and appropriate materials should be selected. User experience could be the perfect method to convey the unique vision for building while meeting all of the functional requirements. Material selection and data sheets usually provide valuable information on the technical properties of materials. However, the design might or might not describe intangible properties. They should also check for transparency, softness, and warmth of materials before ordering them in bulk. The clients would depend on the architect to paint the vision of the finished product. The successes and challenges in communicating the vision to a client should be thought of by the architect before a conversation.
- Time & Money:- Cost is always an important factor when it comes to any project. The materials possessed by the architect might be perfect and aesthetically pleasing but if the client lacks a budget for that, using them might not be possible. Even if the material is affordable, the expertise needed to install it might be an issue and this might hike the budget. Refrain from picking the materials that might put the budget in chaos or communicate that delays could be a possibility in getting the right material. The architect should also realistically acknowledge that they might have a temptation to overbuild at times. This would depend on the intent of building something for it to last for years or decades. It might not be glamorous but the design should budget for the intended use.
- Setting/Context:- Context typically encompasses mainly three areas of consideration: physical, cultural and intended use. Initially, the physical location of the project should be considered while choosing materials as the location might limit choices. You should check if the development is the renovation of an existing building near other buildings or under construction or undeveloped land, whether the worksite could be accessed for delivery of materials or terrain or if it is a hilly area that is tough to access. You should be also aware that society has built-in expectations for the types of buildings that are designed. Some might find it easier to work within normal parameters and not go off the baseline. One cannot expect a school building to look like the premises of a police station or an apartment complex. The architect should also figure out if the building would be fine in an urban or a rural setting, is it renovation of a historic area or a developing area, whether the materials are sustainable and eco-friendly, whether they are satisfactory and fit in the culture of the building’s use and location. The materials should assist those who work there to finish their work efficiently. The building materials should not remain as a hindrance to workers in the building.
- Upkeep:- The architect should make sure if the materials would last long if they are durable, tough materials if they would have glaring issues or damages or might need replacement. However, extensive amounts of maintenance would be necessary to keep the building in excellent condition. VCT flooring demands for regular attention to meet the lifespan. Protective coatings could help for long-term performance. Concrete flooring might be resistant and durable and would require caulking to keep the damages from spreading. Whatever material the client picks, the difficult or expensive one would need extensive maintenance and underperformance might lead to failure of building materials.
The architecture in India is in a state of flux where we have all available resources, opportunities, options to experiment, explorations and so on. If you step in the right direction, it could bring in great results and would help to rediscover what is lost. The need of the hour is to understand the needs, expectations, roots and work towards an architecture that would change as per the lifestyles but stay true to values and identity. It would help in communicating with people and shape society. It would help in building memories and give the building much-needed sustainability for a long time.
As trends keep changing day by day, the client requirements also change drastically. If we look back ten years, the concept of designing a home, planning, calculating and estimating the budget and finally building a house took a lot of time. As the technological age came in, the materials needed could be easily imported from other countries in a span of a few days. This used to take months for the imported materials to arrive and begin the work. However, it has now become more affordable and most people look at a minimalistic approach when they speak of their dream home.