Facts About Your House That You Didn’t Know

We all aim to be homeowners, but once we own a property, how much do we actually know about it? Here at We Buy Any House we have compiled our top house facts.
The Creaks in Your House Have Nothing to Do with Age:
Most of us have always believed that the older a house is, the more it tends to creak. However, this isn’t true – andthe creaks actually have everything to do with the temperature which is inside our house. When our house creaks, itsactually because there is either an increase in temperature or humidity inside your property. Scientists explain that as wood is porous, it will expand alongside any changes in temperature in humidity. Throughout the summer months, your wooden floors may tend to creak more, but don’t worry! It’snot because they’re old!
The Under-Sink Space Is Actually Not for Storage:
In our homes, we often use the space under our sink to store cleaning products. However, this isn’t actually what the space is supposed to be used for. Initially, the space was actually designed to be a space which would provide access to the under-sink plumbing in case you had a leak.
Brass Doorknobs Can Actually Be Better for Your Health:
In most homes, we often have wooden or glass handles on our doors. However, a cool fact about our door handles is that if you have brass door handles, then they can actually be better for your health. This is because brass doorknobs will actually disinfect themselves in around eight hours. This is because the metal ions that exist in copper and brass are toxic for viruses and mould- so they can’t breed and continue to spread onto our hands.
Roof Overhang Is a Good Thing:
Sometimes, it can look like our roofs just don’t fit our homes- because of the way in which the roofs on our properties hang over. However, this is actually a good thing- and they’re supposed to do that. This is because our roofs are supposed to hang at least half an inch over our properties to protect your home from rain and wind. It’s the perfect way to reduce any risk of mould gathering on the inside of the roof.
Your Balcony Has Literary History:
If your property is lucky enough to have a balcony on it, then you are living the dream! Being absle to absorb the gorgeous views from your balcony is most homeowners’ dream, but then again it depends on what type of balcony you have. Sometimes, properties have balconies on them, but they arent big enough to sit on. These balconies are known as Juliette balconies- and were actually made famous by the Shakespearean novel Romeo and Juliet.