Importance of studying NCERT Books for Exam Preparation

Students wonder why NCERT books are important from an exam perspective. These books contain various questions which help students in understanding the covered concepts in depth. It also helps those students who are planning to appear for national level exams such as JEE Mains and JEE Advanced. Most of the questions asked in board exams are from NCERT textbooks. Students often feel stressed about appearing for exams at national and state level. In order to boost their exam preparation, it is necessary to choose the right study material among various present in the market as per their requirements.
NCERT textbooks are prepared keeping in mind the needs of rural children nationwide. Pictorial presentation of topics enhances better conceptual knowledge among students. The main purpose of NCERT is to maintain a common system of education in the whole country. Currently, students can obtain various study tools to perform well in the final exams. The content in the books are explained in a comprehensive manner with the aim of building interest among students in accordance with their understanding abilities. Students who want to score high marks in exams can make use of NCERT textbook as a major study resource.
It is necessary to make students aware of NCERT textbooks in a complex subject like Chemistry, Physics etc. The concepts based questions help students in solving tricky problems effortlessly. Practising NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Chemistry help students to obtain an idea of significant questions that would appear in board exams. Regular practice of these solutions improves problem solving and time management skills among students. These books help students with information and knowledge in an understandable language irrespective of their intelligence coefficient. Regular practice of these solutions help students to get their doubts cleared in a shorter duration.
Advantages of Class 12 Board Exam in the career of students
- Marks obtained in board exams help students in building a strong career. This also helps them to choose their desired path confidently which satisfies their goal.
- To score well in the board exams, it is necessary to be aware of the concepts covered under each subject. This inturn helps students to handle anxiety and stress with ease
- With the knowledge of each concept, students understand its application in day to day life. The topics covered in Class 12 are continued in further classes as well.
- Every student must possess time management skills which help them to complete the entire question paper within 3 hours duration.
- Students can score more marks by skipping complex problems at the last moment and solving the problems first which are easy.
- It is necessary to have a glance at the question paper before starting to solve. This helps them to divide the equal time in solving every question accurately.
Most of the students feel, scoring good marks is a difficult task under CBSE board. Thorough practice of NCERT books is the only guideline to perform well in the examination, prescribed by the board itself. Expert tutors designed NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Physics with precise answers along with important formulas to help students in boosting problem solving skills. The solutions are formulated keeping in mind the understanding capacity of students. These solutions with illustrations help them to grasp the concepts with ease clearing their doubts quickly.