Meal Prep With My Food Processor Turned My Life Around

I hit a slump in my early 30s and somehow fell into a pretty deep depression. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. It was basically debilitating.
I started gaining weight, and as I continued like this, I began to stress eat and even sometimes use drinking as a coping mechanism. I did not like where my life was heading. I needed to change directions.
I knew that all of these things would have a negative impact on my overall health. There was no doubt about that. It was just a fact of life. I had really been stuck in a funk and decided it was time to take charge of my health.
I dove into extensive research on getting my life back on track. Not just in one aspect, but the entire big picture. I needed to take care of my body physically by exercising and nourishing it with good food.
By taking care of my body, my mind would follow. I made it my initial goal to focus on my physical fitness and nutrition. I started taking basic yoga classes to get my mind and body in a good place and I downloaded a workout app on my phone that I could stream anywhere.
In conjunction with the exercise plan, I’d gleaned from my research that having a food prep plan was the way to go to stay on track with healthy eating habits. So I dove in head first. I started with compiling a few recipes that I’d be happy with eating for the week.
The best part of the food prep information that I found was that a food processor would make my life a hundred times easier to take on this task. I didn’t have one, so I asked my sister-in-law what she recommended since she was a frequent user of hers. She directed me to KitchenWorksInc, and suggested I try the Cuisinart DFP-14BCWNY Food Processor. I went ahead and ordered it.
I ended up taking my first yoga class on a Sunday morning, and right after I did my shopping for my week of food preparation. I was feeling really good about it. I bought everything I needed and I was ready to roll. I was so excited.
I made things like smoothies and yogurt to have around for breakfast: all made in the food processor. I had some different salads and veggies prepped for lunches or sometimes soup depending on what kind of day it was- always with some protein. The food processor made it so easy to chop up whatever veggies or herbs I’d need for the meals.
Days into making these changes, I actually started feeling better. I had more energy, I wasn’t cranky for no reason or just constantly tired. I wasn’t feeling lazy or bored. It was great. I wasn’t 100%, but I was on my way.
Now after a few months of keeping on the same track (obviously with a few cheat days here and there), I’ve felt such an improvement. I was actually able to stop my antidepressants that I was put on during that dark period. I’m not sure that it’s possible for everyone, but according to my doctor my depression was mild. If that’s mild I couldn’t imagine how bad it might be.
All that I know is that this would be a wonderful starting point for someone if it’s manageable with depression. And if it isn’t, it would be great for a friend to try and encourage these healthy habits as well. I owe it all to taking care of my body and my Cuisinart food processor.