Web Usability Test: Benefits Of Analyzing Your Company’s Website

Sometimes it is forgotten and is relegated to the background and other areas are prioritized such as having a beautiful SEO Community design but usability is essential for a website to achieve its objectives and without it, you could be losing money.
Let’s start at the beginning, defining what usability is since one of the best definitions is “Usability is the quality attribute that measures how easy Web interfaces are to use”.
It is essential to facilitate the user to achieve their tasks but what benefits does this have for my company?
Here are the main benefits that you will obtain if you want to improve the usability of your website, thanks to a web usability test.
Improve User Satisfaction
Who has not found a site that loads an automatic video with sound that makes you lower the volume or even you may have directly closed the page if it has bothered you?
Or, who hasn’t wasted a lot of time trying to find content by browsing through a menu with unfriendly and/or disorganized names?
Have you entered a form, filled in a lot of data, and finally have given it to delete all the data instead of searching because that button was more prominent? Or have you just not bought because they asked you for too much data?
Surely, you can think of a lot of examples of occasions in which you have lost patience with a site and if it was not essential for what you needed, you have simply closed it and you have found another.
Well, if you improve the usability of your web portal, this will not happen to your visitors. They will enter, easily find what they need and if necessary they will contact you or buy from you if your product convinces them.
They will neither abandon your website and look for others that solve their needs nor will they buy from the competition because their website is simply simpler.
They will be satisfied with your website and it will also be easier for them to come back if they need it and therefore retain them and convert them into recurring users.
Because It’s Good For SEO
Some of the techniques used by SEO agency in UAE to improve usability are also good for SEO, in fact, Google takes into account the user experience on the page as one of the positioning factors.
For example, have good labeling of the links, and optimal loading time, a correct information architecture, headings are adequate for each page/section.
All this will help us to position our page better in search engines and therefore have more visits.
It’s Good For Sales/Conversions
Directly related to user satisfaction, it is a fact that if your digitalmarketing website is easy to use and users like it, you will have a better chance of buying from you or asking you for more information about your products.
For example, a long-form with a lot of non-optimized fields and buttons can make you lose sales if you optimize that form, simplify it, and put the buttons in the most appropriate place and with the correct labeling. Users will feel more inclined to fill it out.
Cost Reduction In Support And Customer Service
If the user is easy to carry out the purchase or information about location processes by himself, it is likely that he will not need to call you or send you emails requesting help, thus saving you a lot of time that you can invest in other tasks.
In conclusion, an SEO Specialist tests web usability that helps you improve your website has many benefits for your company, making your online channel improve its results and achieving a direct impact on the image that customers have of you.